Business Connect

Story of Business Connect

Business Connect started when a group of seasoned business experts from within Mela met to work on supporting Mela members whose businesses were hit hard during and post covid 19. After months of learning, coaching and actual business exchange related to challenges during covid 19, mela has realized the value of real business value offering and decided to have it an ongoing business focused entity and take after minor modification to its structure


Business Connect is aligned with the survey results regarding the identity of Mela which revealed that the majority of members wishes to see Mela as a Business network: providing business collaboration possibilities for professionals, as well as providing job opportunities for full time employment/short-term contracts. Business Connect is the business arm of Mela aimed at bringing about a transformative leap and qualitative improvement for our members by helping them develop their business expertise and overcome current challenges. This is an open platform for Mela members to meet, share knowledge, decide and showcase their businesses to potential investors.

Business Connect Forum

Crystalize your purpose. Unleash your potential. Extend your reach.